If the stars were aligned, we could have had a famous athlete in our team.

Hatem Elmongy is from Egypt and has been living in Sweden for eight years. He is a consultant and is currently on an assignment at an international biopharmaceutical company focused on rare diseases. But what about the gold medal?

When I was young, I used to be a swimmer. In fact, a pretty good swimmer and I trained hard. Butterfly was my best. I had the opportunity to join the first team qualifications to compete on national and international levels but… all the wise comments about getting an education and getting a “real job” took over. So, I began to study.

So how did you end up in Sweden and at Mpya?

I came to Sweden to do my PhD in chemistry at Stockholm University. I finished in 2019 and got a job as a senior Analytical Chemist at a service provider in Uppsala.

And how did you end up at Mpya?

It started with a recruitment where I got to know Johan at Mpya, and then after a while there was an opening for a life science consultant here at Mpya. I applied and after two interviews I got the job.

So how is it to be a consultant?

The best decision so far in my career; working as a consultant. It's motivating all the time; you never get bored. An assignment usually lasts for about 1 to 1,5 years. Then you move to another. You get to learn new things. There is also lots of experts here at Mpya, and when we meet up together, we get to share experiences and knowledge. it's interesting to be in such an environment, with experts in different fields.

What do you do at your current assignment?

I am transferring technology from one pharma company to another. The client produce drugs but they outsource many processes, such as quality control and testing. I am supervising the testing of drugs before they go to market. The absolute last stage before they go to the market, so called "Release"-testing.

What’s you passion in life?

As I said, I was a professional swimmer before I studied, but now I only swim for exercise and health. I love to be in the water. That’s my passion. Another passion is to watch sports on TV. I guess I have that “competing” thing in my mind. The “vinnarskalle” as you say in Sweden.

So, you could have won an Olympic medal?

Well, who knows… we will never find out. But being at Mpya is kind of winning a gold medal, don’t you think?

We agree!

#Mpya Inspo

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Vill du ha en ny utmaning i livet? En ny karriär? Vill du vara en del av en kultur som prioriterar personlig utveckling tillsammans med kompetensutveckling? Hos oss får du förmånliga villkor och en miljö som värnar om balans mellan jobb och fritid.

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Är du på jakt efter ny kompetens inom teknik och naturvetenskap? Behöver du en teknikkonsult? Tveka inte att kontakta oss. Vi är ett nytt företag på utsidan, men på insidan är vi erfarna konsulter med etablerade nätverk och gedigen erfarenhet av rekrytering, som har bestämt oss för att skapa ett nytt sorts konsult- och rekryteringsföretag inom teknik och naturvetenskap.