Diversity status check - What gets measured gets done

As Mpya Sci & Tech now is well over 1000 days old and well over 100 Mployees in size I would rate our overall performance in 💚, but what about the performance when it comes to diversity?


Our Mployees span over all decades and we have a bunch below 30 and a bunch over 60 (even 65+). We have celebrated a retirement party and a 25 year’s party and no matter what activity it is awesome to see them all blend. 💚


Chairman of the board/CEO 50%, Management Forum 50%, Mployees 59%/41% (F/M), Mployees Gothenburg 25%/75% (mainly tech), Stockholm/Uppsala 77%/23% (mainly Life Science), so locally we clearly have challenges. 💚 💛


In Gothenburg we origin from 16 different countries and in Sthlm/Uppsala 7 countries. We are super proud about this, and even though the learning curve in Swedish is steep for many it is also a clear sign that “tala svenska” as a formal or unofficial necessity is starting to fade out. A bonus spin of is the rerun of last year’s success “The taste of all cultures”- potlock at the Mpya Gbg-office on Nov 24th. 💚

Sexual Orientation / Physical & Mental Ability / Religion

Hmm, not all dimensions are suitable, nor relevant, for public KPIs. Here we can just put trust in our values: to “be Excitedly Curios”, to “be Allowing & Inclusive” and not the least to “be Who you are”, which set a welcoming environment for everybody, no matter who you are, where you’re from or what you believe in.

/David Rüdel, Talent Advisor

#Mpya Inspo

Jobba hos oss

Vill du ha en ny utmaning i livet? En ny karriär? Vill du vara en del av en kultur som prioriterar personlig utveckling tillsammans med kompetensutveckling? Hos oss får du förmånliga villkor och en miljö som värnar om balans mellan jobb och fritid.

Anlita oss

Är du på jakt efter ny kompetens inom teknik och naturvetenskap? Behöver du en teknikkonsult? Tveka inte att kontakta oss. Vi är ett nytt företag på utsidan, men på insidan är vi erfarna konsulter med etablerade nätverk och gedigen erfarenhet av rekrytering, som har bestämt oss för att skapa ett nytt sorts konsult- och rekryteringsföretag inom teknik och naturvetenskap.