24 Nov 2022 / Hållbart arbetsliv
As Mpya Sci & Tech now is well over 1000 days old and well over 100 Mployees in size I would rate our overall performance in 💚, but what about the performance when it comes to diversity?
Our Mployees span over all decades and we have a bunch below 30 and a bunch over 60 (even 65+). We have celebrated a retirement party and a 25 year’s party and no matter what activity it is awesome to see them all blend. 💚
Chairman of the board/CEO 50%, Management Forum 50%, Mployees 59%/41% (F/M), Mployees Gothenburg 25%/75% (mainly tech), Stockholm/Uppsala 77%/23% (mainly Life Science), so locally we clearly have challenges. 💚 💛
In Gothenburg we origin from 16 different countries and in Sthlm/Uppsala 7 countries. We are super proud about this, and even though the learning curve in Swedish is steep for many it is also a clear sign that “tala svenska” as a formal or unofficial necessity is starting to fade out. A bonus spin of is the rerun of last year’s success “The taste of all cultures”- potlock at the Mpya Gbg-office on Nov 24th. 💚
Sexual Orientation / Physical & Mental Ability / Religion
Hmm, not all dimensions are suitable, nor relevant, for public KPIs. Here we can just put trust in our values: to “be Excitedly Curios”, to “be Allowing & Inclusive” and not the least to “be Who you are”, which set a welcoming environment for everybody, no matter who you are, where you’re from or what you believe in.
/David Rüdel, Talent Advisor