Let's be brave
and curious together.

Our way of working – four cornerstones.


We have backgrounds and knowledge within science and technology. We have added extensive experience from numerous science and technology recruitment processes, consultant assignments and organisational coaching. Today we do this in a new way. The Mpya way. (did we say Mpya means rethinking?)


Being excitedly curious about your company and your aspirations helps us when searching for and matching relevant candidates. Being excitedly curious about the multifaceted individuals in our industry helps us attract the right candidates and keep them with us. Ready to serve you.


Being inclusive and allowing means striving for a culture where everyone is involved and contributes. We are one team. If you assign one of us, you get the rest of us included in the package.


We promise you engagement and complete attention. We challenge you in your way of thinking and to put sustainability and diversity considerations in the front seat. We believe mutual success for all parties creates long term cooperation.


Encare är ett svenskt startup bolag, internationellt verksamt inom Health Tech, som utvecklar en molnbaserad mjukvara för sjukvårdssektorn globalt. Vi tog kontakt med Mpya i samband med att vi skulle bygga upp en försäljnings- och marknadsorganisation. Samarbetet inleddes med att vi tillsammans ritade upp den nya organisationen, definierade de olika funktionerna och satte ihop rollbeskrivningar. Mpya tog fram och intervjuade ett antal matchande kandidater och utmanade oss efterhand i de olika rollbeskrivningarna för att vi slutligen skulle känna oss trygga i organisation, roller och personliga egenskaper som skulle passa hos oss. Hela rekryteringsprocessen fungerade mycket bra och på drygt två månader hade vi erbjudit anställning till sju nya medarbetare och fördubblade därmed vår organisation.

Per Sunnemark


Aros Electronics

Meet one of our customers AROS Electronics - an enabler for the electrification movement with R&D and production under one roof.



Meet one of our customers Luxbright - an innovative Gothenburg tech company creating a new generation of X-ray Tubes reshoring production to Sweden. Let Mats Alm, CEO, explain:


Humphree AB

Meet one of our customers Humphree - the entrepreneurial and fast growing company that develops leading trim and stabilization systems for the marine industry with lower fuel consumption and improved comfort as a result. Let Philip Lejon, CTO, explain:


Swedish Match


 "Mpya Sci & Tech is an efficient and professional partner with a specialization that fits our company well. Mpya Sci & Tech has shown great competence and a high level of expertise in our business areas. With its centrally located offices in both Stockholm and Gothenburg they also have a local perspective and they understand our operations and needs very well.”


Jerry Bogestrand

Director Quality & Environment Assurance, R&D


Vi är så tacksamma för det förstklassiga mervärde som Mpya Sci & Tech har gett oss i våra rekryteringsprocesser. De fångade upp det som sades mellan raderna och visste vad vi behövde från start. Det var imponerande att se hur snabbt de förstod vår situation och levererade kandidater som var helt rätt för våra roller. De skiljer sig från andra konsult- och rekryteringsföretag som bara skickar på chans. Mpya Sci & Tech står för en högre klass i utförandet från start till mål och jag kan verkligen rekommendera dem till alla som söker en högkvalitativ rekryteringspartner.


The HR-Team at DENSO

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Do you want to assign a consultant within the science or technology field? Or are you perhaps looking for an interim manager solution or a subcontractor doing a GIG? With our far-reaching networks and specialist focus, we find, evaluate and engage the best available competence.


We customize the recruitment process to suit your actual position and your specific needs. A thorough search and attract phase, combined with promoting the position in relevant channels and networks? Or do you prefer non-public executive search? We conduct assessment or case and are certified in tools like OPQ, Verify, Hogan's Assessment System, Assessio, MAP, Matrigma. We advise, you decide.

HR Strategy services

Does your company stand out in the competitive science and technology sector? How attractive are you? Or, ARE you attractive? Let’s schedule a brainstorming session where we address your recruitment strategy, employer branding and industry trends. We’ll help you see things from a different perspective.


We know how to find talent and expertise in disciplines like Autonomous Driving, Electrification, Aerospace, Design, Construction, Interior/Exterior, Powertrain, Simulation, Electronics, Infotainment, Optics, Embedded systems, Testing, Project Management and Quality.

Life Science

We know how to find the right talent within Pharma, Medtech and Biotech. Our network of clients and candidates includes everything from R&D, Production, Sales and Marketing, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance, Validation Management, Statistics, Data Integrity, Project and Interim Management.

Industry and Technology

We contribute with competence and expertise within Agile Product and Process Development, Digitalisation, AI Solutions, Embedded and Software Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Hardware Engineering and Automation. We also support industry sectors as Manufacturing, Construction and Energy.

Do you have questions or want to get in touch?


Big thanks for contacting us, we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible!

Tekniskt fel!